Czech-BioImaging call for research projects

Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to bring to your attention that the call for the Czech-BioImaging Open Access support for the period of July 2023 – June 2024 has been opened. Deadline for submitting applications is 15th April 2023.

This grant call promotes open access to the core facilities participating in the Czech-BioImaging research, including the IMCF here at BIOCEV. Don’t miss an opportunity to apply for financial support for your microscopy-based research projects – especially projects that require development and application of advanced imaging methods! 

For more information and the application rules, please, visit:


Your IMCF team

Nikon and CrestOptics Spinning disk DEMO

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the demonstration of the Nikon microscopic system which will be installed at our core facility at BIOCEV. It is Nikon Eclipse Ti 2 X-Light V3 inverted research spinning disk microscope with DeepSIM super-resolution module. 

The demonstration will take place on 30th November and 1st December. We will start with a theoretical lecture on Wednesday and the practical demonstrations will follow. You are kindly invited to test the system with your own samples.

The registration deadline for practical demonstrations is 25th November.

Please, find more information in the attached flyer here.

Best regards,

Your IMCF team

We are hiring!

Are you interested in microscopy, ultrastructural analysis and pursuing a career in the imaging core facility? In the right place at the right time! We are seeking a research-technical staff scientist to join as a new member of our team in the IMCF. For more information and contact follow this link.

June 8, 2022 Picture of the Month opening

We are pleased to announce the opening of a Picture of the Month competition.

The aim of this periodic (monthly) event is to share your beautiful microscopy images with the community and encourage the communication between groups on interesting topics they are working on. More information and guidelines can be found here.

EM-SPS workshop

Dear colleagues, we are sorry to inform You this course had to be postponed till autumn 2022. New date will be announced here as soon as available and the registration will be resumed thereafter.

Thank you for your patience.