Contact us
If you want to use our services, do not hesitate to call or email anyone from our team.
Meet us for the first time
A meeting will be scheduled for you to meet with IMCF staff members. Here we get to discuss your project and see how we can best assist you.
Register to the booking system
To manage reservations, we use the system Calpendo. Facility users login to Calpendo using BIOCEV USER ACCOUNT (BUA) credentials. Researchers and students working at BIOCEV are issued BUA automatically at the beginning of their contract and access to Calpendo is granted to them based on the outcome of the discussion with the facility staff.
External users from laboratories and institutions from outside BIOCEV will be issued BUA based on the data they provide in this application form. The approval process can take 1-2 days. You will be notified once you have access to Calpendo.
Here you can find a quick guide to Calpendo.
Attend theoretical and practical training
Few of our instruments are simply push button systems, and as such we do our best to help you understand fundamentally how they function so you can make informed decisions.
Receive a certificate
After attending the training on a given instrument you get the certification that allows you to use the instrument unsupervised.
Independent measurement
Now you can use the instrument on your own. Note that IMCF staff is here for you, so do not hesitate to ask for help.