2022 IMCF User Meeting

June 15, 2022

This year we focus our packed program on both, the education and inspiration, so that the attendance of the meeting can be directly translated into planning your next experiments and in writing your grant proposals.

In case you cannot participate in person, we will also broadcast the lectures via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to the registered participants before the event. Note please, the refreshment will be provided for registered users only.

Please register for the event here.
We encourage all IMCF users to spend a few moments to fill in a brief user feedback form.


BIOCEV, Green and Red Conference Halls (U1.037 and U1.038)

8:45 - 09:00Morning refreshment – pastry, coffee and tea
09:00 - 09:10Present and future of IMCF – we need your feedback to match your needs and expectations!
Aleš Benda
09:10 - 9:40Flow cytometry session
- Overview of cytometry services we offer to you
- When to go spectral?
- 10 most common flow cytometry mistakes to avoid
Ondřej Honc
9:40 - 10:45Light microscopy session
- Brief overview of light microscopy services we offer to you
  Aleš Benda
- Practical guide for super-resolution @ IMCF
  Aleš Benda
- Label-free imaging @ IMCF
  Dalibor Pánek
- Inspiration from our users
Alexander Beber – example of IR laser cutting
Marek Ladislav – example of 3D STORM
10:45 - 11:00Coffee Break and informal discussion
11:00 - 12:00Electron microscopy session
- Short overview of electron microscopy services we offer to you
  David Liebl
- Volume EM – practical guide for 3D imaging @ IMCF
  MarkĂ©ta Dalecká
- User case on Volume EM (CLEM, FIB-SEM)
  Jana Petrusová – "The edge of the seminiferous tubule"
- Cryo-TEM – how to get frozen @ IMCF
  Jiří Mikšátko
- User case on cryo-TEM
  Jana NedvÄ›dová
12:00 - 12:30Image data analysis session – discover knowledge in data
- What do we mean by image data analysis services?
- Software and hardware tools available at IMCF
- Case studies from EM and LM field
Zuzana Čočková, Anna Agafonová